The regional government in Andalusia has recently unveiled a €133m plan for eco-housing. Dubbed the “Ecovivienda Plan”, it will generate €133.5m for refurbishing homes and buildings, emphasising energy efficiency across the region.
More than 25,000 Andalusian families are expected to benefit, claiming aid of up to 80% for the total cost of improving energy efficiency. The plan aims to cut emissions within residential areas by 30%.
Furthermore, the plan is designed to try and help families improve the insulation in their homes by installing new doors, windows and closures, as well as encouraging the installation of renewable energy systems like solar panels, biomass boilers, photovoltaic panels and aerothermal energy sources. It’s just another reason why moving to Andalusia is a good investment.
Building a More Eco-Friendly Future
Marifrán Carazo is the Regional Minister for Development, Territorial Planning and Housing and has said that anyone living in the area should “take advantage of the opportunity of this aid from Europe, which will not only represent an investment to renovate their homes but also to improve their energy efficiency, which will mean a reduction in their electricity bills".
There are other benefits to applying to the scheme - homeowners will benefit from financing the work, and the costs will be tax-deductible.
It’s been noted that the process will be quick to complete - 50% of the aid will be paid out at the start of the work as standard. The process takes three months to get permission, and the remaining aid is paid out as the project progresses.
The programs will receive €74m for the rehabilitation of existing buildings. It’s possible to get up to 80% of the total cost paid, depending on the level of savings in non-renewable energy consumption. There is a maximum limit of €18,000 for each home.
Energy Efficiency Aid
There will be €52m given to improve energy efficiency in housing. The aid can be for 40% of the work, which caps at €3000. It will be necessary to certify any savings to demonstrate a 30% saving.
A call has also been given to draw up a building book, with €2.3m in subsidies available. Single-family homes will receive €700. Multi-family buildings of 20 homes or less will also get this amount, and €60 for each house, and buildings with more than 20 homes will get €1100 plus a further €40 for each home.
Finally, €5.2m is being put aside for drafting new refurbishment projects. Single-family homes and buildings of up to 20 will have €4000 available, with an additional €700 for each dwelling. Buildings with more than 20 dwellings get €12,000 and €300 for each extra home, up to €30,000.
Positive Action For the Future
All of these subsidies for the area have been framed as being part of the “European Next Generation” funding of €614m. The budget for housing will help 33,000 homes take action with the added bonus of generating 29,000 jobs.