By Allan Hilder on Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Category: News

Spain's Beckham Law - A Favourable Tax Regime

Spain's Beckham Law, officially known as the "Special Expatriate Tax Regime," was introduced in 2005. Named after footballer David Beckham, who was one of the first high-profile individuals to benefit from it, the law was designed to attract skilled foreign workers and high-income professionals to Spain. It offers significant tax advantages for qualifying individuals. Here’s an explanation of the benefits and eligibility:

Overview of the Beckham Law


Tax Benefits:

Eligibility Criteria

New Spanish Tax Residents:

Employment Contract:

Work Assignment:

Specialized Work:


Application Process

Formal Application:


Limitations and Recent Changes


Recent Changes:

Who Can Take Advantage of the Law?

In summary, the Beckham Law provides a lucrative tax incentive for high-earning expatriates who relocate to Spain for work. By offering a flat tax rate and exempting foreign income, Spain makes itself an attractive destination for international professionals, ultimately aiming to enhance its competitiveness in the global market.